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Our Favorite Quotes
See some of our favorite quotations for a positive outlook on life and autism.

Autism Resources
As we work with other parents and groups we learn about new organizations and their offerings. We know every family has different needs, we hope some of these are helpful to you. We have not worked with each of these organizations so it is the family’s responsibility to research the links/organizations carefully before utilizing their services.

A Place To Start
We would like to provide you with some information about things that we think have been beneficial to Nicholas and often our other kids as well. We are not experts on High-Functioning Autism, but we are becoming experts on Nicholas and how he is affected by so many aspects of this diagnosis. The things we list below may or may not be helpful but when Nicholas was smaller it would have been so great to have some things to try, a place to start.

Autism - A Brief Description
There are many different definitions of Autism, below is a summary of the major characteristics of Autistic Spectrum Disorder as we understand them.