Newsletter: Our Beginning
Kids With Autism Can is an organization created by Katie and Todd Murwin, Cindy Lee Herrick, and Lisa Hurst. Our goals include providing inspiration and information to families of children with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) as well as the public including teachers and therapists. We will also provide some funding to families willing to work toward their children success. We want to bring awareness to communities as well. We hope, by encouraging families to share their children’s positive stories and art work. We will be able to help people understand autism isn’t something frightening as much as it is a different way of seeing and doing things. As a society we need to support all children and young adults. If you take the time to know our children you will find rewards beyond measure!
Meet Steven
Steven just turned 15 in January and lives in Minnesota. His special interests are Lego’s and Paper Folding (origami) and he excels in those interests! Steven’s Santa Lego creation was featured in Lego Magazine. As you can see, Steven is a naturally talented sketch artist as well. It’s our hope that his drawing entitled “Alone” will help raise Autism Awareness. His drawing speaks for itself to the neuro-typical world, but I love how one 9-year old boy with autism described it, “he said it made him feel happy because the swing moves him back and forth, happy because he can chew on the rope or the tire, and happy because the person isn't wearing clothes. He also said happy because he is allergic to grass and isn't touching it.”
Alone by Steven (Age 15)
Stevan was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in 2 nd grade, although we knew something was different about our son, we had no explanation for it until then. His diagnosis set us off on quite a journey. As parents we’ve fought with all our might to help him overcome his day to day challenges and appreciate himself for the wonderful things he can contribute. When he grows up he hopes to design an alternative fuel vehicle that will change the world.
Try This
Keep a lot of sensory toys in your house. All of our kids seem to benefit from them. It helps them organize their bodies and thoughts. It can also provide sensory input. You might see our son bouncing on the giant therapy ball or our daughter exercising using the stretchy band while doing her homework. In our house, even Pi, the dog, benefits from the toys.
Balance Balls
Therapy Putty
Mini Trampoline
Pillows for squeezing
Stretchy bands
Balance board
Search: Occupational Therapy Toys and you will have several options. Many of the toys can be purchased on Amazon. Please go into our site and click on Support Us and then the Amazon tab.
Balance Board Fun!
What’s Next?
We are adding art and stories to our website frequently. We are looking for your contributions. The book is at the graphic designer. We are hoping for completion in spring. We plan to offer a beautiful necklace or key chain made of recycled metals. We will know more soon. Visit our Facebook Group: Kids With Autism Can.
“If a word is worth a coin, silence is worth two.”
Link It Up
In this section, we will share links pertaining to all different aspects of autism. These links do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Kids With Autism Can. We want to provide many different sources of information.
What’s Cooking?
We use cooking to work on sensory issues, math skills, fine motor skills, communication and other aspects of autism. Kids also think it’s fun.
Whisk together dry ingredients in a coffee mug. Add oil, water and vanilla into the same mug and mix thoroughly. Put in the microwave for 1-1½ minutes.
A Fun, Easy Recipe for Kids A brownie in a mug:
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
Dash of salt
1 tbsp and 1 tsp vegetable oil
1 tsp chocolate chips
2 tbsp water
¼ tsp vanilla
Enjoy with ice cream or whipped cream! This will be very hot when you remove it from the microwave! Be sure an adult is helping!
Lend A Hand
There are many ways to participate in the success of Kids With Autism Can. Each person brings a unique gift to our community and we need all of you. We would encourage you to participate in a way that works for you. If you are not sure how you can participate, we would be happy to find a place for you.
Here are some simple ways anyone can contribute:
Use the Amazon link on our website, we will receive a referral fee from each order.
Share your children’s stories and artwork to help us encourage others.
If you are considering a cash contribution, see if your employer has a matching gift program.
Think outside the box. We are always trying to think of new ways to raise awareness and funds.
Kids With Autism Can is well into its 2nd month. We have collected over 2000 dollars and we are beginning to apply for grants so we hope to soon have funding available to start helping families. Our website is being well received. We have had over a thousand hits on the site and lots of positive feedback.